Black Guitar Straps
Black Guitar Straps
Our black guitar straps are finely-textured and have a very smooth finish when polished.
It's one of our most popular variations because black goes with everything!
Black Guitar Strap - Revo Style
Our Black Revo Style Straps are our classic strap. It's about 2.25 inches wide formed with 37 primary pieces of wood and 22 spacing beads.
Premium black leather ends and a long detached leather end allow you a custom look and fit.
When in doubt, go with the Revo Style!
As we are a boutique guitar shop, we may be sold out of some straps. You can always check out list of the best guitar straps for more ideas.
Black Guitar Strap - Solano Style
The Black Solano Style Strap is the slimmer cousin of the black revo. Each primary piece is half the size of the revo making it mold over shoulders of slimmer people more easily.
However, most people do not notice any difference in comfort between the black revo and black solano, so the difference is primarily an aesthetic one.
Black Guitar Straps - Gordo Style
The Black Gordo Style strap is for those looking for a wider black guitar or bass strap.
Similar to the Revo and Solano style, it starts at 2.25 inches wide and tapers to 3 inches through our intricate design of slightly larger pieces being used. The goal is to have the widest part near the shoulder area, but even if it's a little off, most people still find it more comfortable than a comparable leather or fabric-based strap.